Why Back-to-School Season is the Perfect Time to Launch Your Job Search

As the summer heat starts to fade and the leaves begin to change color, it’s that time of year again—back-to-school season. While this may traditionally raise images of bustling hallways and eager students, it’s also a perfect opportunity to evaluate your career. Here are four reasons why back-to-school season is the perfect time to launch […]

Why Networking is Key for Job Seekers

Networking is key for job seekers

When you’re looking for a new job, it can be tempting to spend all your time browsing online job boards and sending out applications. However, many job openings are never publicly posted, meaning that relying solely on these tools may cause you to miss out on key opportunities. That’s why networking is key for job […]

How to Use AI to Land Your Next Job

How to Use AI to Land a Job

By now you’ve most likely heard the buzz around AI technology. Natural language processing (NLP) tools like ChatGPT and Bard allow you to have human-like conversations with a chatbot to get answers to questions or assistance with tasks, such as composing cover letters or resumes. If you haven’t already explored the benefits of it in […]

Interview Mistakes: What Not To Do When You’re Interviewing for a Job

Interviewing for a job can be nerve-wracking, even for the most experienced job seeker. With so much on the line, it’s easy to make mistakes that could cost you the job. In this article, we’ll go over some common interview mistakes and how to avoid them. Arriving late or not showing up One of the […]

How to Handle Job Search Burnout

We get it—the job search can be exhausting. Sending dozens of resumes, multiple rounds of interviews, skills tests, and more. All to find out that they decided to go in another direction. It’s important to take care of yourself and try not to get discouraged. Here are some tips for when you’re experiencing job search […]

How to Prepare for Your 1st Quarter Job Search

The holidays are here. You’ve got vacation time saved up and you’re planning on spending time with family and friends. You’re going to finish out the year at your current job and then start your search for a new career. Before you sit back and relax, now is actually a great time to start thinking […]